Ver contexto
Dio al rey ciento veinte talentos de oro, gran cantidad de aromas y de piedras preciosas, y no hubo nunca aromas como los que la reina de Saba dio a Salomón. (II Crónicas  9, 9) © Sagrada Biblia (Nacar-Colunga, 1944)

BHSEk - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Enhanced; KJV versification)



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: wayyiqtol
Verbal stem: qal

[H5414 ] [] [1443]
[נתן] [GES5339] [BDB5941] [HAL5834]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[l.aa.ab] [1063]
[ל] [GES3706] [BDB4135] [HAL4089]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4428 ] [] [1199a]
[מלך] [GES4346] [BDB4848] [HAL4771]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3967 ] [] [1135]
[מאה] [GES3908] [BDB4351] [HAL4303]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H6242 ] [] [1711e]
[עשרים] [GES6157] [BDB6810] [HAL6741]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: construct
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3603 ] []
[ככר] [GES3498] [BDB3902] [HAL3870]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H2091 ] [] [529a]
[זהב] [GES2035] [BDB2274] [HAL2291]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H1314 ] [] [290a]
[בשם] [GES1208] [BDB1388] [HAL1396]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[l.aa.ab] [1063]
[ל] [GES3706] [BDB4135] [HAL4089]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H7230 ] [] [2099c]
[רב] [GES7194] [BDB7922] [HAL7839]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3966 ] [m.ab.ab] [1134]
[מאד] [GES3906] [BDB4349] [HAL4301]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H68 ] [] [9]
[אבן] [GES62] [BDB70] [HAL74]



Part-of-speech: adjective
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3368 ] [j.dd.ab] [905a]
[יקר] [GES3253] [BDB3633] [HAL3599]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: negative particle
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3808 ] [l.ab.aa] [1064]
[לא] [GES3708] [BDB4137] [HAL4092]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: perfect
Verbal stem: qal

[H1961 ] [] [491]
[היה] [GES1888] [BDB2113] [HAL2109]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[k.ab.aa] [937]
[כ] [GES3392] [BDB3788] [HAL3764]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H1314 ] [] [290a]
[בשם] [GES1208] [BDB1388] [HAL1396]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: personal pronoun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H1931 ] [] [480]
[הוא] [GES1856] [BDB2078] [HAL2078]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H834 ] [a.gk.aa] [184]
[אשר] [GES812] [BDB872] [HAL890]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: perfect
Verbal stem: qal

[H5414 ] [] [1443]
[נתן] [GES5339] [BDB5941] [HAL5834]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: construct
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4436 ] [] [1199b]
[מלכה] [GES4353] [BDB4852] [HAL4775]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H7614 ] []
[שבא] [GES7568] [BDB8342] [HAL8259]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[l.aa.ab] [1063]
[ל] [GES3706] [BDB4135] [HAL4089]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4428 ] [] [1199a]
[מלך] [GES4346] [BDB4848] [HAL4771]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H8010 ] [] [2401i]
[שלמה] [GES7967] [BDB8759] [HAL8695]

King James Version (KJVO) (1611)

Chapter IX.

1 The Queene of Sheba admireth the wisedome of Solomon. 13 Solomons golde, 15 His Targets. 17 The throne of Iuory. 20 His vessels. 23 His presents. 25 His chariots and horse. 26 His tributes. 29 His reigne and death.
1 And [ 1Ki_10:1, etc.; Mat_12:42; Luk_11:31.] when the Queene of Sheba heard of the fame of Solomon, shee came to prooue Solomon with hard questions at Ierusalem, with a very great companie, and camels that bare spices, and golde in abundance, and precious stones: and when she was come to Solomon, shee communed with him of all that was in her heart.
2 And Solomon tolde her all her questions: and there was nothing hid from Solomon, which he told her not.
3 And when the Queene of Sheba had seene the wisedome of Solomon, and the house that he had built,
4 And the meate of his table, and the sitting of his seruants, and the attendance of his ministers, and their apparell, his [ Or, butlers.] cup-bearers also, and their apparell, and his ascent, by which hee went vp into the house of the Lord; there was no more spirit in her.
5 And she said to the King, It was a true [ Hebrew: word.] report which I heard in mine owne land, of thine [ Or, sayings.] actes, and of thy wisedome:
6 Howbeit, I beleeued not their wordes, vntill I came, and mine eyes had seene it: and behold, the one halfe of the greatnesse of thy wisedome was not tolde mee: for thou exceedest the fame that I heard.
7 Happy are thy men, and happy are these thy seruants, which stand continually before thee, and heare thy wisedome.
8 Blessed be the Lord thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be King for the Lord thy God: because thy God loued Israel, to establish them for euer, therefore made hee thee King ouer them, to doe iudgement and iustice.

[Solomon riches: His death.]

9 And she gaue the king an hundred and twentie talents of gold, and of spices great abundance, & precious stones: neither was there any such spice as the Queene of Sheba gaue King Solomon.
10 And the seruants also of Huram, and the seruants of Solomon, which brought gold from Ophir, brought Algume trees and, precious stones.
11 And the king made of the Algume trees, [ Or, staires: Hebrew: high wayes.] terrises to the house of the Lord, and to the kings palace, and harpes and psalteries for singers: and there were none such seene before in the laud of Iudah.
12 And King Solomon gaue to the Queene of Sheba, all her desire, whatsoeuer she asked, besides that which she had brought vnto the king: So she turned, and went away to her owne land, she, and her seruants.
13 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one yeere, was sixe hundred and threescore and sixe talents of gold:
14 Besides that which chapmen and merchants brought: and all the kings of Arabia, and [ Or, captaines.] gouernours of the countrie, brought gold and siluer to Solomon.
15 And king Solomon made two hundred targets of beaten gold: sixe hundred shekels of beaten gold went to one target.
16 And three hundred shields made he of beaten gold: three hundred shekels of gold went to one shield: and the king put them in the house of the forrest of Lebanon.
17 Moreouer the king made a great throne of yuorie, and ouerlaid it with pure gold.
18 And there were sixe steps to the throne, with a footstoole of gold, which were fastened to the throne, and [ Hebrew: hands.] stayes on each side of the sitting place, and two lyons standing by the stayes.
19 And twelue lyons stood there on the one side and on the other, vpon the sixe steps. There was not the like made in any kingdome.
20 And all the drinking vessels of King Solomon were of gold, and all the vessels of the house of the forrest of Lebanon were of [ Hebrew: shut vp.] pure gold: [ Or, there was no siluer in them .] none were of siluer; it was not any thing accounted of in the dayes of Solomon.
21 For the kings ships went to Tarshish

[Solomons riches: His death.]

with the seruants of Huram: euerie three yeeres once came the ships of Tarshish bringing golde, and siluer, [ Or, elephants teeth.] yuorie, and apes, and peacocks.
22 And king Solomon passed all the kings of the earth in riches and wisedome.
23 And all the kings of the earth sought the presence of Solomon, to heare his wisedome, that God had put in his heart.
24 And they brought euery man his present, vessels of siluer, and vessels of gold, and raiment, harnesse, and spices, horses, and mules, a rate yeere by yeere.
25 And Solomon [ 1Ki_4:26 .] had foure thousand stalles for horses, and charets, and twelue thousand horsemen, whom hee bestowed in the charet cities, and with the king at Ierusalem.
26 And hee reigned ouer all the kings, [ Gen_15:18 .] from the [ That is, Euphrates.] riuer, euen vnto the land of the Philistines, and to the border of Egypt.
27 And the king [ Hebrew: gaue.] made siluer in Ierusalem as stones, and cedar trees made he as the Sycomore trees, that are in the low plaines, in abundance.
28 [ 1Ki_10:28 ; 2Ch_1:16 .] And they brought vnto Solomon horses out of Egypt, and out of all lands.
29 Now the rest of the [ 1Ki_11:41 .] actes of Solomon first and last, are they not written in the [ Hebrew: words.] booke of Nathan the Prophet, and in the prophesie of Ahiiah the Shilonite, and in the visions of [ 2Ch_12:15 .] Iddo the Seer, against Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat?
30 And Solomon reigned in Ierusalem ouer all Israel, fourtie yeeres.
31 And Solomon slept with his fathers, and hee was buried in the citie of Dauid his father, and Rehoboam his sonne reigned in his stead.

Biblia Comentada, Profesores de Salamanca (BAC, 1965)

La reina de Saba (9:1-12 = 1Re_10:1-13).
1 Llegó a la reina de Saba la fama de Salomón, y vino a Jeru-salén para probarle con enigmas, acompañada de muy gran séquito de camellos, cargados de aromas y oro en abundancia y piedras preciosas. Vino a Salomón y le dijo cuanto se le ocurrió, 2 y Salomón respondió a todas sus preguntas, sin que hubiera nada que él no pudiera explicarle. 3 La reina de Saba, viendo la sabiduría de Salomón, la casa que había construido, 4 los manjares de su mesa, el asiento de sus servidores, el porte y los vestidos de la servidumbre y la subida a la casa de Yahvé, 5 fuera de sí dijo al rey: Verdad es cuanto de tu estado y tu sabiduría había oído en mi tierra. 6 No lo creía hasta que he venido y lo he visto con mis ojos; y hallo ahora que no me habían dicho ni la mitad de tu grandeza, de tu sabiduría, pues sobrepujas la fama que a mí había llegado. 7 Dichosas tus gentes, dichosos tus servidores, que continuamente están delante de ti y oyen tu sabiduría. 8 Bendito Yahvé, tu Dios, que te ha hecho la gracia de ponerte sobre su trono, por rey para Yahvé, tu Dios. Por amor de Yahvé a su pueblo y por querer que por siempre subsista, te ha hecho rey de él para que le hagas derecho y justicia. 9 Dio al rey ciento veinte talentos de oro, gran cantidad de aromas y de piedras preciosas, y no hubo nunca aromas como los que la reina de Saba dio a Salomón. 10 También los siervos de Hiram y los de Salomón, que habían traído el oro de Ofir, trajeron madera de sándalo y piedras preciosas. 11 Con la madera de sándalo hizo el rey las gradas de la casa de Yahvé y las de la casa del rey, e hizo también de ella arpas y salterios para los cantores. Nunca en tierra de Judá se había visto semejante. 12 El rey Salomón dio a la reina de Saba cuanto ella quiso y pidió, más que lo que ella había traído al rey. Después volvióse ella a su tierra con sus siervos.

Riquezas de Salomón (1Re_9:13-28 = 1Re_10:14-29).
13 El peso del oro que cada año llegaba a Salomón era de seiscientos sesenta y seis talentos de oro, 14 fuera del que recibía de negociantes y comerciantes, de todos los reyes de Arabia y de los gobernadores de la tierra, que recaudaban oro y plata para Salomón. 15 Hizo el rey Salomón doscientos grandes escudos de oro batido, para cada uno de los cuales empleó seiscientos siclos de oro; 16 y otros trescientos escudos de oro batido, para cada uno de los cuales empleó trescientos siclos de oro, y los puso en la casa Bosque del Líbano. 17 Hizo un gran trono de marfil, que recubrió de oro puro. 18 Tenía el trono seis gradas y un escabel de oro. Tenía brazos a uno y otro lado de la silla, y cerca de los brazos dos leones, 19 y otros doce leones sobre las seis gradas, de una y otra parte. Para ningún rey se hizo cosa semejante. 20 Todos los vasos del rey Salomón eran de oro, y toda la vajilla de la casa Bosque del Líbano era de oro puro. Nada de plata. No se hacía de ella estima alguna en tiempo de Salomón, 21 pues tenía el rey naves de Tarsis que navegaban con las de los siervos de Hiram; y llegaban cada tres años las naves de Tarsis, trayendo oro, plata, marfil, monos y pavos reales. 22 Fue el rey Salomón más grande que todos los reyes de la tierra por riquezas y por sabiduría. 23 Todos los reyes de la tierra buscaban ver a Salomón, para oír la sabiduría que había puesto Dios en su corazón, 24 y cada uno le traía su presente, objetos de plata, de oro, vestidos, armas aromas, caballos y mulos. Y así cada año. 25 Tenía Salomón cuatro mil troncos de caballos, y los carros y doce mil jinetes que puso en las ciudades de los carros y cerca de sí en Jerusalén. 26 Se extendió su dominio sobre todos los reyes desde el río hasta la tierra de los filisteos y hasta las fronteras de Egipto 27 Hizo que la plata fuera en Jerusalén tan común como las piedras y que los cedros fuesen tantos como los sicómoros, que se dan en el llano. 28 Traíanle los caballos de Egipto y de todas partes.

Muerte de Salomón (1Re_9:29-31).
29 El resto de los hechos de Salomón, los primeros y los postreros, ¿no está escrito en los libros de Natán, profeta; en el de Ajías, silonita, y en las profecías de Ido, vidente, contra Jeroboam, hijo de Nabat? 30Reinó Salomón en Jerusalén, sobre todo Israel, cuarenta años. 31Se durmió con sus padres, y fue sepultado en la ciudad de David, su padre. Le sucedió Roboam, su hijo.

No transcribe el autor los hechos sombríos que empañaron la figura de Salomón en los últimos años de su vida, tales como el numeroso harén, su apostasía religiosa y los enemigos externos e internos que le suscitó Dios en castigo de su conducta (1Re_11:1-40). Además del libro de los hechos de Salomón (1Re_11:41), nuestro autor ha consultado los de Natán (1Cr_29:29), de Ajías de Silo (1Re_11:29) Y de Ido (1Re_12:15; 1Re_12:13-22).

La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo (Liturgical Press, 2006),

Empresas y fama de Salomón. En esta sección el Cronista se vale de 1Re_9:10-28; 1Re_10:1-40 para construir su relato. Sin embargo, omite 1Re_11:1-40 que contiene un juicio muy fuerte al reinado de Salomón. Por el contrario, insiste en aquello que lo ha destacado como son su sabiduría y sus riquezas. La sección está construida en tres momentos: enumeración de algunas construcciones ordenadas por Salomón (1Re_8:1-16); la gloria de Salomón expresada en el reconocimiento de los reyes extranjeros y su riqueza extraordinaria (,28), y por último, la muerte de Salomón. La campaña contra el rey Jamat mencionada en 8,3 es históricamente probable. En 9,29 se citan tres fuentes a las que remite el Cronista, las cuales desconocemos.

Dios Habla Hoy (Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1996)

Dios Habla Hoy 1996 Notes:

[1] 9.4 Como subía al templo: traducción probable. Otra posible traducción, con ligero cambio del texto: los holocaustos que ofrecía en el templo. Cf. 1 R 10.5

[2] 9.7 Tus esposas: texto probable (cf. 1 R 10.8). Heb. tus hombres.

[3] 9.28 Musri: texto probable. Heb. Egipto.

Nueva Versión Internacional (SBI, 1999)

[b] tres mil novecientos sesenta kilos. Lit. ciento veinte *talentos.

Nueva Traducción Viviente (Tyndale House, 2009)

En hebreo 120 talentos [9000 libras].

Torres Amat (1825)

[16] 1 Re 10, 16-17.