Ver contexto
Los ayudantes de los sacerdotes y toda la gente de Judá hicieron lo que les ordenó el sacerdote Joiadá. Y como él no dejó que volvieran a sus casas los que terminaban su turno, los capitanes tenían a su disposición a todos sus hombres, estuvieran o no de guardia el sábado. (II Crónicas  23, 8) © La Biblia (Traducción en Lenguaje Actual, SBU, 2004)

BHSEk - Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Enhanced; KJV versification)



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: wayyiqtol
Verbal stem: qal

[H6213] [p.fy.aa] [1708]
[עשה] [GES6129] [BDB6780] [HAL6711]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: adjective
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3881] []
[לוי] [GES3790] [BDB4225] [HAL4182]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: construct
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3605] [] [985a]
[כל] [GES3499] [BDB3904] [HAL3872]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3063] [] [850c]
[יהודה] [GES2965] [BDB3308] [HAL3288]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[k.ab.aa] [937]
[כ] [GES3392] [BDB3788] [HAL3764]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: construct
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3605] [] [985a]
[כל] [GES3499] [BDB3904] [HAL3872]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H834] [a.gk.aa] [184]
[אשר] [GES812] [BDB872] [HAL890]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: perfect
Verbal stem: pi“el

[H6680] [] [1887]
[צוה] [GES6618] [BDB7294] [HAL7223]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3077] []
[יהוידע] [GES2972] [BDB3315] [HAL3295]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3548] [] [959a]
[כהן] [GES3443] [BDB3837] [HAL3812]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[f.ab.aa] [519]
[ו] [GES1991] [BDB2226] [HAL2241]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: wayyiqtol
Verbal stem: qal

[H3947] [l.bx.aa] [1124]
[לקח] [GES3879] [BDB4316] [HAL4270]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H582] [H376] [a.ep.ab] [136a]
[איש] [GES369] [BDB392] [HAL406]


Hebrew|ʔeṯ-|[object marker]

Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H853] [] [186]
[את] [GES828] [BDB894] [HAL913]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H582] [H376] [a.ep.ab] [136a]
[איש] [GES369] [BDB392] [HAL406]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: unknown
State: construct
Verbal tense: participle
Verbal stem: qal

[H935] [b.ap.aa] [212]
[בוא] [GES919] [BDB997] [HAL1011]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H7676] [] [2323b]
[שבת] [GES7630] [BDB8405] [HAL8324]



Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H5973] [] [1640b]
[עם] [GES5903] [BDB6525] [HAL6448]


Hebrew|yôṣᵊʔˈê|go out

Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: plural
Person: unknown
State: construct
Verbal tense: participle
Verbal stem: qal

[H3318] [j.cq.aa] [893]
[יצא] [GES3211] [BDB3584] [HAL3549]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: unknown
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H7676] [] [2323b]
[שבת] [GES7630] [BDB8405] [HAL8324]



Part-of-speech: conjunction
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3588] [] [976]
[כי] [GES3481] [BDB3883] [HAL3852]



Part-of-speech: negative particle
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3808] [l.ab.aa] [1064]
[לא] [GES3708] [BDB4137] [HAL4092]



Part-of-speech: verb
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: third person
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: perfect
Verbal stem: qal

[H6358] [H6362] [] [1764]
[פטר] [GES6283] [BDB6934] [HAL6878]



Part-of-speech: proper noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3077] []
[יהוידע] [GES2972] [BDB3315] [HAL3295]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: masculine
Number: singular
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H3548] [] [959a]
[כהן] [GES3443] [BDB3837] [HAL3812]


Hebrew|ʔeṯ-|[object marker]

Part-of-speech: preposition
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H853] [] [186]
[את] [GES828] [BDB894] [HAL913]



Part-of-speech: article
Gender: not applicable
Number: not applicable
Person: not applicable
State: not applicable
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[e.ab.aa] [459]
[ה] [GES1804] [BDB2019] [HAL2031]



Part-of-speech: noun
Gender: feminine
Number: plural
Person: not applicable
State: absolute
Verbal tense: not applicable
Verbal stem: not applicable

[H4256] [h.da.ak] [669d]
[מחלקת] [GES4180] [BDB4662] [HAL4585]

King James Version (KJVO) (1611)

Chapter XXIII.

1 Iehoiada hauing set things in order, maketh Ioash king. 12 Athaliah is slaine. 16 Iehoiada restoreth the worship of God.
1 And [ 2Ki_11:4, etc.] in the seuenth yeere Iehoiada strengthened himselfe, and tooke the captaines of hundreds, Azariah the sonne of Ieroham, and Ishmael the sonne of Iehohanan, and Azariah the sonne of Obed, and Maasiah the sonne of Adaiah, and Elishaphat the sonne of Zichri, into couenant with him.
2 And they went about in Iudah, and gathered the Leuites out of all the cities of Iudah, and the chiefe of the fathers of Israel, and they came to Ierusalem.
3 And all the Congregation made a couenant with the king in the house of God: and he said vnto them, Beholde, the kings sonne shall reigne, as the Lord hath [ 2Sa_11:12; 1Ki_2:4; 1Ki_9:5; 2Ch_6:16; 2Ch_7:18.] said of the sonnes of Dauid.

[Ioash made king.]

4 This is the thing that yee shall doe, A third part of you entring on the Sabbath, of the priests and of the Leuites, shalbe porters of the [ Hebrew: thresholds.] doores.
5 And a thirde part shall bee at the kings house, and a third part at the gate of the foundation: and all the people shall be in the Courts of the house of the Lord.
6 But let none come into the house of the Lord, saue the Priests, & they that minister of the Leuites, they shall go in, for they are holy: but all the people shall keepe the watch of the Lord.
7 And the Leuites shall compasse the king round about, euery man with his weapons in his hand, and whosoeuer else commeth into the house, hee shalbe put to death: but be you with the King when he commeth in, and when he goeth out.
8 So the Leuites and all Iudah did according to all things that Iehoiada the Priest had commanded: and tooke euery man his men that were to come in on the Sabbath, with them that were to goe out on the Sabbath: for Iehoiada the Priest dismissed not the courses.
9 Moreouer, Iehoiada the Priest deliuered to the captaines of hundreds, speares and bucklers, and shields, that had bene King Dauids, which were in the house of God.
10 And hee set all the people (euery man hauing his weapon in his hand) from the right [ Hebrew: shoulder.] side of the [ Hebrew: house.] Temple, to the left side of the Temple, along by the Altar and the Temple, by the King, round about.
11 Then they brought out the kings sonne, and put vpon him the Crowne, and [ Deu_17:18 .] gaue him the Testimony, and made him King: and Iehoiada and his sonnes anointed him, and said, [ Hebrew: Let the King liue.] God saue the King.
12 Now when Athaliah heard the noise of the people running and praising the King; she came to the people into the house of the Lord.
13 And she looked, and behold, the king stood at his pillar, at the entring in, and the Princes, and the trumpets by the King: and all the people of the land reioyced, and sounded with trumpets; also the singers with instruments of musicke; and such as taught to sing praise. Then Athaliah rent her clothes, and said, [ Hebrew: conspiracie.] Treason, treason.

[Athaliah slaine.]

14 Then Iehoiada the Priest brought out the captaines of hundreds, that were set ouer the host, and said vnto them, Haue her foorth of the ranges: and who so followeth her, let him bee slaine with the sword. For the Priest said; Slay her not in the house of the Lord.
15 So they layd handes on her, and when shee was come to the entring of the horse gate, by the kings house, they slew her there.
16 And Iehoiada made a couenant betweene him, and betweene all the people, and betweene the king, that they should be the Lords people.
17 Then all the people went to the house of Baal, and brake it downe, and brake his altars and his images in pieces, and slew [ Deu_13:13 .9.] Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars.
18 Also Iehoiada appointed the offices of the house of the Lord by the hand of the Priests the Leuites, whom Dauid had [ 1Ch_24:1 .] distributed in the house of the Lord, to offer the burnt offrings of the Lord, as it is written in the [ Num_28:2 .] Law of Moses, with reioycing and with singing, as it was ordeined [ Hebrew: by the hands of Dauid.] by Dauid.
19 And he set the [ 1Ch_26:1 , etc.] porters at the gates of the house of the Lord, that none which was vncleane in any thing, should enter in.
20 And hee tooke the captaines of hundreds, and the nobles, and the gouernours of the people, and all the people of the land, and brought downe the king from the house of the Lord: and they came through the high gate into the kings house, and set the king vpon the throne of the kingdome.
21 And all the people of the land reioyced, and the city was quiet, after that they had slaine Athaliah wt the sword.

Biblia Comentada, Profesores de Salamanca (BAC, 1965)

Proclamación de Joás y muerte de Atalía (23:1-21 = 2Re_11:4-20).
l Al séptimo año revistióse Joyada de valor, y se concertó con los jefes de centenas: Azarías, hijo de Jerojam; Ismael, hijo de Jojanán; Azarías, hijo de Obed, Masaya, hijo de Adaya, y Elisafat, hijo de Zicrí. 2 Recorrieron Judá y reunieron a los levitas de todas las ciudades de Judá y a los jefes de las familias de Israel, que vinieron a Jerusalén, 3 y toda la asamblea hizo alianza con el rey en la casa de Dios. Joyada les dijo: Ahí tenéis al hijo del rey que reinará, como lo ha dicho Yahvé, de los hijos de David. 4 Mirad lo que habéis de hacer: el tercio de vosotros que el día del sábado entra de servicio, sacerdotes y levitas, hará la guardia en los atrios; 5 otro tercio estará en el palacio del rey, y el otro, en la puerta de Jesod. Todo el pueblo se reunirá en el atrio de la casa de Yahvé. 6 Que no entre ni salga nadie de la casa de Yahvé, fuera de los sacerdotes y levitas que están de servicio; éstos podrán entrar porque están consagrados. 7 Todo el pueblo hará la guardia de Yahvé, y los levitas rodearán al rey por todas partes; cada uno tendrá las armas en su mano, y quienquiera que entrare en la casa, morirá. Estaréis con el rey cuando éste entre y salga. 8 Los levitas y todo Judá hicieron todo lo que el sacerdote Joyada había mandado, y cada uno tomó a los suyos, los que entraban en servicio y los que salían de servicio el sábado, pues el sacerdote Joyada no exceptuó a ninguna de las divisiones. 9 El sacerdote Joyada entregó a los jefes de centenas las lanzas y los escudos grandes y pequeños, que provenían del rey David y se hallaban en la casa de Dios. l° Hizo que rodeasen al rey, poniendo a todo el pueblo cada uno con las armas en la mano, desde el lado derecho hasta el lado izquierdo de la casa, junto al altar y por toda la casa. 11 Y adelantando al hijo del rey pusieron sobre su cabeza la diadema y el testimonio y le proclamaron rey. Joyada y sus hijos le ungieron y gritaron: ¡Viva el rey! 12 Atalía oyó el estrépito del pueblo, que corría y aclamaba al rey; vino a donde estaba el pueblo en la casa de Yahvé 13 y miró. Estaba el rey sentado en su estrado, a la entrada, y los jefes y las trompetas estaban junto al rey, y todo el pueblo de la tierra daba muestras de gran alegría, y sonaban las trompetas, y los cantores, con los instrumentos de música, entonaban cánticos de alabanza. Atalía rasgó sus vestiduras y gritó: ¡ Conspiración, conspiración ! 14 Entonces el sacerdote Joyada, llamando a los jefes de centena que estaban al frente de las tropas, les dijo: Sacadla de las filas, y a quienquiera que la siga, le matáis. Pues el sacerdote dijo: No la matéis en la casa de Yahvé. 15 Hízosele lugar y se encaminó al palacio real por la entrada de la puerta de los caballos, y allí la mataron. 16 Joyada hizo alianza entre Yahvé, el pueblo todo y el rey, de ser el pueblo de Yahvé. 17 Después de esto entró todo el pueblo en el templo de Baal y lo derribaron, echando por tierra sus altares, haciendo pedazos sus imágenes, y mataron delante del altar a Matan, sacerdote de Baal. 18 Luego ordenó Joyada los oficios en la casa de Yahvé por mano de los sacerdotes y levitas, según la ordenación hecha por David en la casa de Yahvé, para ofrecer a Yahvé holocaustos, como está escrito en la Ley de Moisés, en medio de cantos de júbilo, conforme a la ordenación de David. 19 Puso también los porteros a las puertas de la casa de Yahvé para que por ninguna entrase ningún inmundo. 20 Y tomando luego a los jefes de centena, a los jefes del pueblo y al pueblo todo de la tierra, llevaron al rey de la casa de Yahvé, y, llegados al medio de la puerta principal de la casa del rey, sentaron al rey sobre el trono del reino. 21 Todo el pueblo de la tierra estaba lleno de júbilo, y la ciudad se estuvo tranquila. Atalía había sido muerta a espada.

Ambas relaciones concuerdan fundamentalmente, con sensibles diferencias, que surgen por la diferente perspectiva de los autores, en la disposición y valoración de los hechos.

La Biblia de Nuestro Pueblo (Liturgical Press, 2006),

Lucha contra Atalía. El episodio de la muerte de Atalía sigue a 2Re_11:1-20 con cambios significativos: la ejecución de la empresa es realizada por los sacerdotes, levitas e incluso los cantores, no por soldados; la aceptación del nuevo rey Joás es unánime. El relato final de la reforma del sacerdote Yehoyadá (2Re_23:16-21) se presenta como una restauración de las instituciones davídicas.

Biblia Textual IV (Sociedad Bíblica Iberoamericana, 1999)

las clases... Es decir, los grupos → 1Cr. c. 1Cr 23:1-32; 1Cr 24:1-31; 1Cr 25:1-31; 1Cr 26:1-32.

Sagrada Biblia (Conferencia Episcopal Española, 2011)

*22:10-23:15 A pesar de que Atalía reinó durante siete años, se omite el resumen habitual de su reinado, negándole así legitimidad como reina de Judá. En la conjura contra ella, el cronista concede un papel relevante a los sacerdotes y levitas. El sumo sacerdote Joadá dirige la conjura y sus órdenes son seguidas puntualmente. Atalía es ajusticiada fuera del recinto sacro para evitar la profanación del templo.

Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén (1998) - referencias, notas e introducciones a los libros


[1] 1Cr_24:19

Nueva Biblia de Jerusalén (Desclée, 1998)


[1] 1Cr_24:19

Dios Habla Hoy (Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1996)

Dios Habla Hoy 1996 Notes:

No Comments at this time.

Reina Valera (Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas, 1960)

* Aquí equivale a sábado.

Torres Amat (1825)

[11] El testimonio son las insignias reales.